Sunday, June 7, 2009

Eagles Ridge By Circumstance

The aim of the day was to climb Short Leaning Ridge but a large thunderstorm struck at about 8:30 and kept us pinned under a large bolder overhang in Barney Ck for at least an hour. With the rain easing we progressed slowly up stream as Barney Ck was slippery and flowing very fast. To avoid crossing the creek one more time I made the decision to climb up a little and move towards Barney Water Fall but the ridge we were following was misleading and offered no opportunity to cross to the next ridge beyond which was Barney Falls. We decided to do a modified Eagles Ridge and ascended to Tom's Tum. Trying a new ascent up the summit of TT was problematic and wasted a good hour or so just helping people get up. The rock all day was a bit greasy from the rain so it was fortuitous we did not do Short Leaning as it would have been tough in the conditions. As it was after descending down isolated peak to the ridge going up to North Peak we found the descent from here agonisingly slow as the creek was just so slippery. We got back to the cars at 6pm after commencing walking at 7:30 am. It was a great day of walking and Short Leaning Ridge will now be scheduled for the 9th of August.

The second photo has Eagles Ridge in the centre with Short Leaning Ridge on the right.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You mentioned trying to attempt Short Leaning Ridge. I am interested in doing the Long variation. Is there much difference between the two in terms of difficulty? Also, where does it start? You could e-mail me with those details if possible: sendit2gerard [at] gmaildotcom Thanks and regards.